Adrian Research Fellowship: Darwin College Cambridge

Adrian Research Fellowship 2019 in history or anthropology of science or medicine in societies and cultures other than the modern West.

Thanks to a generous original donation from Trinity College, Cambridge, Darwin College intends to elect a stipendiary Adrian Research Fellow, if a suitable candidate applies.


Candidates should be at a relatively early stage in their research careers, having undertaken no more than seven years in total of graduate and postdoctoral research by 1 October 2019. The Fellowship can be held by graduates of any university, irrespective of age. By the time they would
take up the Fellowship, candidates should have been awarded a PhD or an equivalently recognised degree, and be able to present to the electors substantial examples of written work of outstanding quality, published or unpublished.

The function of the Fellowship is to provide a formal, supported starting point for an academic career. Candidates should be engaged in research concerning the development or practice of science or medicine in non-western or/and non-contemporary societies.

This might include:

- Studies of the ways in which members of different cultures investigate, classify and understand the natural world.

- Studies of the traditional medical practices of different communities and cultures.

- Studies of scientific and medical interactions and exchanges between communities and cultures.

We welcome applications for projects relating to the present or to the past.

Duties and Conditions

The Adrian Research Fellow will engage in research in his/her own special subject. In addition, the Fellow may have the opportunity to undertake, during Term, up to six hours a week of undergraduate/graduate teaching in his/her own subjects at Trinity College, or another College, or in a relevant university department at standard rates of pay. The Research Fellow would also be encouraged to make use of the opportunities provided by the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and to participate in its research activities. Apart from this, an Adrian Research Fellow is
not normally permitted to hold another post. The Fellow will be a member of the Governing Body of Darwin College and will be subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the College (accessible on the College website or on request to the Bursar). Our Statutes include the obligation to reside in or near Cambridge for at least two-thirds of each University term, unless excused by the Governing Body.


The Fellowship will run for three years from 1 October 2019. It is then renewable for one further year to a maximum of four years, at the discretion of the Fellowships Committee.

Stipend and Emoluments

The starting stipend for the Adrian Research Fellow with a PhD will be not less than Point DC 27 on the Darwin College Salary spine (currently £21,653), subject to an annual cost-of-living uplift and to annual increments (the third year stipend at current rates would be £25,258). These Figures may change as the College is currently conducting a review of stipends from 2019-20. The stipend will be subject to a 10% reduction for any pre-PhD appointee. Membership of the Universities' Superannuation Scheme is optional. An additional allowance will be paid to any Fellow not resident in college. It may be possible to provide rented accommodation, subject to availability, for which a charge at normal (subsidised) college rates will be made. In addition, the Adrian Research Fellow will be entitled to dine and lunch free of charge at the normal College table whenever meals are served (up to a limit of seven meals in each week). Guests, not normally exceeding two in number on any one occasion, may be entertained at lunch or dinner, ten of them free of charge within any
quarter (note termly guest nights with a special menu are subject to charge). An allowance of up to £1,000/year will be available for receipted travel and research expenses. A further £500/year is available as a subsidy for conferences mounted in the College (at the discretion of the Fellowships and Finance Committees).


Applications should be submitted

by 28 January 2019 and must include (a) curriculum vitae; (b) an account, in not more than 500 words, of the proposed research and the background to it; (c) an assurance that, where necessary, appropriate research arrangements have been made; (d) the names and emails of two referees who
will also need to submit a reference online by the closing date; e) a summary of research for a non-specialist audience; and (f) a list of published or unpublished work that would be available for submission if requested. Selected candidates may be invited to submit copies of written work and may be called for interview in March 2019. Election will be made as soon as possible thereafter.

- The College follows an equal opportunities policy and welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds -