Curator of science

Dear all,

Museum Boerhaave is looking for a new curator. If you know anyone who might be interested, please send him/her the job description below.

Curator of Science

Museum Boerhaave, the National Museum for the History of Science and Medicine in the Netherlands, invites applications for a Curator in the Science Department. This department cares for the collection of the museum by:
  • management (such as acquisition and decollectioning)
  • historical research (providing cultural context and researching literature)
  • engaging in public outreach (by lectures and articles)
  • providing input for exhibitions (selecting objects and writing texts)

Museum Boerhaave is looking for somebody with:
  • a degree in one of the sciences
  • experience in the history of science (preferably a PhD degree in a relevant area)
  • a broad interest in scientific instruments
  • experience with museum work
  • the ability to speak and write for a broad audience
    (non-native speakers will be asked to acquire the Dutch language within reasonable time)

The hours available will amount to 32 hours (4 days) a week. Pay will be on a paid as claimed
basis at Grade 12 on the Dutch Museum salary scale, with a maximum of € 4.574,- a month
(on full-time basis of 36 hours, excluding extras).

Applications should be sent to:
J.F. Parmentier
Museum Boerhaave
P.O. Box 11280
2301 EG Leiden
The Netherlands

or by email to:

to arrive no later than 15 May 2010.

Information on the museum can be found on


Hans HooijmaijersHoofd collecties
Head collections
Museum Boerhaave
Lange Sint Agnietenstraat 10
2312 WC Leiden
Postbus / P.O. Box 11280
2301 EG Leiden
Telefoon: 071-5662701
Fax:         071-5120344