4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference & Closing ESF Inventing Europe Conference

4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference & Closing ESF Inventing
Europe Conference

Sofia, June, 17-20 2010

The main theme of the conference is Technology & East-West relations:
Transfers, parallel histories, and the European laboratory. All
contributions focus on the circulation and appropriation of
technologies between Eastern and Western Europe as an entry point into
the contested practice of Europeanization. During the Cold War Europe
has been one of the central laboratories for the experimentation with
ideological and political regimes, which infected traditional paths of
knowledge and technology transfer in Europe. While the history of the
Cold War has mainly been told as a history of discontinuity and
fragmentation, all conference papers deal with examples of successful
co-operation or "hidden continuities" in inter-European technology
transfer during the 20th century.

General areas to be explored are:

  Changing times: Continuities and discontinuities in the transfers of
knowledge and technology between Eastern and Western Europe.

  Negotiating identities: spaces and places of co-operation or
confrontation before, during, and after the Cold War.

  Parallel histories: alternative processes of European integration
and fragmentation in Eastern and Western Europe.

  Blurred boundaries: spill-over effects and holes in the Iron Curtain

  Europe as a trading zone, a symbolic battle field, and the
diplomatic playground for world hegemony.

  Chilling effects: Technologies at war & wartime technology

  Contested approaches: the merits and pitfalls of concepts like
Americanization, Sovietisation, Westernization for European

Key note speaker Prof. Luciano Segreto

Conference website


Early registration deadline May 19, 2010

E-mail ToE@tue.nl

Conference is supported by the European Science Foundation.

Other sponsors:

Foundation for the history of Technology; St Kliment Ohridski University,
Sofia; Paisii

Hilendarski University, Plovdiv and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.