Fully funded AHRC studentships - The Board of Longitude 1714-1828: science, innovation and empire in the Georgian world

Fully funded AHRC studentships - The Board of Longitude 1714-1828:
science, innovation and empire in the Georgian world

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), University of
Cambridge, invites applications for two AHRC Postgraduate Research
Studentships to support three years of doctoral research at the University
of Cambridge to start in October 2010. The project is funded by the Arts
and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Home/EU applicants only are
eligible for this funding.

The doctoral research will form an integral part of a new AHRC award to the
project "The Board of Longitude 1714-1828: science, innovation and empire
in the Georgian world" (AH/H015914/1). This is a joint project of the HPS
Department, University of Cambridge, and the National Maritime Museum
(NMM), Greenwich.

The Project will result in the first comprehensive history of the Board of
Longitude, examining its changing role as an influential player in Georgian
culture. The Project is keen to encourage applicants for the doctoral
studentships from a range of historical disciplines, including economic,
political, administrative and legal history, maritime and naval history,
and the history of science and scientific instruments. The aim of these
studentships is to use approaches from such disciplines to understand the
Board's work as a case study.

The successful candidates will be supervised by Simon Schaffer in HPS at
the University of Cambridge. In addition to pursuing their own doctoral
research, the holders of the award will form part of a seven-person
research team and join in a range of activities to promote research on the
study of the Board's history.

Full details of the Project, the scope of the studentships and conditions
of eligibility are available at http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/longitude/

 Interested candidates are encouraged in the first instance to
contact Simon Schaffer (sjs16@cam.ac.uk) for informal discussions about
their suitability and research plans. They should do this by 1 February

The successful candidates will be required to make a separate application
for admission to the University of Cambridge by 15 February 2010 and will
be nominated as candidates for AHRC support.