Dear colleague,

Year 2010 marks a series of historical milestones in relation to the Birth of Broadcasting a hundred years ago. To commemorate this remarkable anniversary, we invite submissions related to this theme to the second Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications ( that will take place in Madrid (Spain) from 3 to 5 November 2010. Abstract submission for both oral and poster presentations is already open until 8 February 2010. Paper abstracts, poster and special session proposals, and any suggestion related to the Conference have to be submitted to the Technical Program Chair, preferably by e-mail to: histelcon2010@aeit.es

Find attached the Histelcon 2010 Call for Papers. I would be very grateful if you could forward this information to anybody who might be interested in it.

Many thanks and best regards.
Antonio Perez Yuste

Technical Program Chair

Histelcon 2010