Fitting for Health : the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600–1850, Paris, September 2-3, 201

Please find below the programme of a conference that is to take place at Paris on September 2 (Ecole normale supérieure) and 3 (Académie nationale de médecine)

Fitting for Health : the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600–1850

Paris, September 2-3, 201

hursday, September 2
d, 2010. École normale supérieure
45, rue d’Ulm Paris 05 - salle des Résistants
9h. Wellcome
9h30. Introduction  : Fitting for Health : Technologizing Early Modern Medicine in Europe and its Colonies. Christelle Rabier, Institut d’histosire moderne et contemporaine, ENS-CNRS

10h-12h30. « Materia Medica » : Supplies of the European Medical Trade
  • Importing Quinquina in 17c and 18c Europe. Samir Boumediene, École normale supérieure Lettres et sciences humaines (Lyon)
10h45-11h - Refreshments
  • Surgical Instruments and the Development of the Steel Trade in 18c Europe. Chris Evans & Alun Whitey, University of Glanmorgan
  • Drugs for Improving the Happiness of Mankind : Paolo Mantegazza’s Medicalization of Coca in the 19th European Science. Dolores Martin, Queen Mary University (London)
  • Discussant : Lissa Roberts (University of Twente)

14h-17h. Medical Technology or Technological Medicine ? Redining Medicine by its Instruments
  • Keeping at Hand : Notebooks and the Practice of Writing in 18c Medicine. Philip Rieder, Université de Genève
  •  « I told your servant to order a small electricity from the merchant who made yours » : the Technological Roots of Electrical Medicine in 18c France. François Zanetti, Université de Paris 10-Nanterre
15h15-15h30 - Refreshments
  • Diagnosing Deafness : Instruments and the Making of Surgical Authority in 19c London. Jaipreet Virdi, University of Toronto
Discussant : Colin Jones (Queen Mary, University of London)

Friday, September 3rd, 2010. Académie nationale de médecine
16, rue Bonaparte Paris 06

9h30-12h30. The Dynamics of Medical Marketing
  • Self-Machinery : the Marketing of Steel-trusses in 18c Europe. Liliane Pérez, CDHTE, Conservatoire des Arts et métiers (Paris)
  • « Aiming at Immensity ». The Making of Worldwide Network of Pharmaceutical Retailing from 18c Marseilles. Nicole Bardiot, Université de Paris-1
10h45-11h - Refreshments
  • Globalizing Bodies : The Marketing Strategies of 19c Anatomical Model Makers in Comparative Perspective. Anna Maerker, Oxford Brookes University (Oxford)
  • Intimate and Shameful Matter : the Trade of Medical Rubber, 1840-1914. Manuel Charpy, Université François-Rabelais (Tours)
Discussant : Patrick Wallis, London School of Economics

14h-17h. Consumption or Production ? The Trade of Medical Technology
  • Consuming Hospital : Medical Tools of the Hôtel-Dieu of Marseilles in the 17th and 18th centuries. Judith Aziza, TELEMME, MMSH (Aix-en-Provence)
  • Making up for Quinquina in 19c : the Political Economy of Febrifuges in the eyes of Naval and Colonial Administrations. Grégory Bériet, CRHIA, Universités de Nantes/ La Rochelle
15h15-15h30 - Refreshments
  • The Irish Apothecary Shop : Selling Self-care Remedies and Medicine Chests, c.1800-c.1840. Emma O’Toole
  • Expanding and Retaining Medical Markets : The Medical Trade Catalogues in Britain, 1830–1880. Claire Jones, Centre for History & Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds
Discussant : Dominique Margairaz, Université de Paris-1

Conference statement and abstracts: