“The State of Children. Politics and Policies of Childhood in Global Perspective”

“The State of Children. Politics and Policies of Childhood in Global Perspective”
Society for the History of Children and Youth
Sixth biennial conference
June 23–25 2011
Teachers College and Columbia University, New York,
The Society for the History of Children and Youth is an international scholarly organization founded in 2001 and committed to the historical study of children and childhood. The organization supports research about childhood, youth cultures, and the experience of young people across diverse times and places and fosters study across disciplinary and methodological boundaries.
We welcome papers that deal with the history of children and youth from all periods of time. We encourage historical papers and sessions drawing upon comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives such as demography, ethnography, institutional approaches, legal studies, media studies, psychology, etc. The conference organization committee prefers proposals for complete sessions and panels that incorporate international representation and global perspectives. Individual papers will also be accepted.
Our sixth biennial conference will emphasise academic interaction across borders of different kinds- disciplinary as well as regional and national—and encourage innovative approaches to the history of children and childhood in an international, comparative perspective. It will seek to incorporate both empirical and theoretical contributions and work that considers the agency of children. Panel topics may include (but are not limited to): children and war; children’s rights; colonial/imperial childhoods; childhood and educational reform; children and work, children and media; children and consumption; childhood and domestic/transnational politics; childhood and urban planning; children, race and class; childhood and welfare; and perspectives on the politics of apology (for mistreatment of indigenous children and children in institutions) as well as panels that regionalize the western experience.
The conference will be held at the Teachers College and Columbia University,
New York. Lodging options will be provided in hotels and student dormitories nearby.
The conference program will include a plenary address, paper panel sessions, and round table discussions. We encourage innovative presentation formats that can engage the audience and foster intellectual interaction. You are invited to submit round table, session and paper proposals.
Submit paper proposals at www.tema.liu.se/tema-b/shcy2011 (the site will open Sept 1st ).
Submission Deadline: November 1, 2010