CFP: Technology and Medicine

Call for Papers
Technology and Innovation- Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors SPECIAL ISSUE

Technology and Medicine

We are currently soliciting manuscripts for a special issue on technology and medicine.

Technology and Innovation presents information encompassing the entire field of applied sciences with a focus on technology and academic innovation, and welcomes manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.  We publish original articles, critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries, essays, and patent and book reviews of interest to our readers.

For this special issue, contributions containing the following information will be considered for publication:

*         Description of advances in medical technology

*         Economics of a technology, governmental and policy action in
issues related to health and medicine

*         Analyses of inequalities in the distribution and access to
medical technology

*         Articles on the historical, societal, and ethical aspects of
medical technologies


Abstracts: December 15, 2011 (The abstract submission should contain:
title, author affiliation, abstract of no more than 250 words, key
words, and contact information)
Full manuscripts: March 5, 2012

Articles for the journal are generally written for a multidisciplinary
audience. All submissions should meet Technology and Innovation author
instructions in the journal's Aims and Scope available at

All submitted articles will be peer reviewed.  Graduate students are
welcome to submit articles for consideration. If you have questions or
would like to submit a manuscript please contact the editorial assistant
at (813) 974-1347 or

Technology and Innovation is published by Cognizant Communication
Corporation (