Dissertation Reviews: New reviews online

Dear colleagues,

New reviews posted this month on Dissertation Reviews (Science Studies and Medical Anthropology):

- BORIS JARDINE, "Scientific Moderns", reviewed by Melinda Baldwin

- RAUL NECOCHEA LOPEZ, "A History of the Medical Control of Fertility in Peru, 1895-1976", reviewed by Jason Glenn

- BRENDAN CLARKE, "Causality in Medicine with Particular Reference to the Viral Causation of Cancers", reviewed by Raffaella Campaner

- ANDREW MAMO, "Post-Industrial Engineering: Computer Science and the Organization of White-Collar Work, 1945-1975", reviewed by Shreeharsh Kelkar

Please visit us at www.dissertationreviews.org

To contribute a review, or to have your dissertation reviewed, please email dissertationreviews@gmail.com

With best wishes,

Leon Rocha (University of Cambridge)
Tom Mullaney (Stanford University)

Dr Leon Antonio Rocha
Research Fellow, Emmanuel College
Department of History and Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge Free School Lane Cambridge CB2 3RH United Kingdom LAR29@cam.ac.uk