Call for Papers: History and Cultural Representations of Human Remains Conferences

Call for Papers: History and Cultural Representations of Human Remains Conferences

Medical Museums and Anatomic Collections at the Natural History Museum, Toulouse, on 4 February, 2013

Anatomic Models at the Academy of Medicine, Paris, on 4 April, 2013

Exhibiting Human Remains at the Hunterian Museum, London, on 4 June, 2013

Although modern anatomy owes a lot to comparative anatomy, the fairly recent separation between natural history museums and medical museums in the mid-nineteenth century has tended to obscure this connection. This conference intends to focus on the constitution, rise and evolution of medical museums and the ways in which the constitution of anatomical collections has been represented in literature and the arts. It will look at matters ranging from the use of menageries for anatomical research to the proximity between human and animal remains in medical museums, as well as issues of classification and organisation. The importance of zoological specimens in medical museums and the role played by animal remains in the constitution of private medical collections and pathological museums will be central to this conference, which aims to trace the impact of comparative anatomy on human anatomy and examine the debates raised by anatomists' methods of investigation, such as those concerning vivisection or the human and humanity, as in the case of criminals or 'savages'. By analysing the history of this aspect of medical museums together with its reception and popularisation, this conference will focus on the evolution of the representation of humans and animals as objects of medical investigation and look at literature and the arts as significant media playing an active part in the history of medicine.

We invite 20-minute papers that engage with, but are not limited to, the following topics:

- medical museums and/as cabinets of curiosities
- medical museums and comparative anatomy
- animals and/in medical research
- collecting, preserving, classifying human and animal remains
- the location and architecture of medical museums
- medical museums, humans and humanity
- anatomical collections and the rise of criminal anthropology
- anatomical collections and the rise of ethnology
- representations of mad collectors/anatomists/surgeons

Please send 300-word proposals (attached as a .doc-file; in French or English), together with a short biographical note to Laurence Talairach-Vielmas ( & Rafael Mandressi (<>).

Please write 'EXPLORA/Medical Museums and Anatomical Collections/Abstract'
as email object. Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2012. Contributors will be notified that their proposal has been accepted by mid-October 2012.