Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Interprofessional Care: the Emergence of Various Health and Social Care Professions/Occupations

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Interprofessional
Care: the Emergence of Various Health and Social Care Professions/Occupations

We propose that the history of health and social care professions is an important area for exploration for scholars of interprofessional collaboration. The Journal seeks to fill that gap by soliciting papers from health care historians and social science scholars for an upcoming special themed issue on the emergence of various health and social care professions/occupations which will examine how these have functioned and continue to function within the health care system and in relation to other professions.

To explore the historical context of interprofessional collaboration, The Journal of Interprofessional Care (JIC) invites readers to contribute to this thematic issue. We welcome authors to contribute works on papers:

• that are descriptive and explanatory in relation to historical barriers and achievements in interprofessional education and/or collaboration (i.e.
potentially theory building);

• that are well supported with primary source historical materials (e.g.
education, regulation, policy, professional/clinical and personal documentation);

• that may provide an international and intercultural perspective and

•that advance our understanding of the historical roots of health and social care professions and their relationships with and among each other and with patients/clients seeking their services.

Papers from multiple professions are welcome. The term “historical” will apply loosely to newly emerged/emerging health occupations and to social science perspectives.

The co-editors for this issue will be Kathleen MacMillan (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Scott Reeves (University of California, San Francisco, USA).

Expressions of interest should be submitted to either Kathleen MacMillan
(E-mail: or Scott Reeves (E-mail: before 31 December 2012.

All manuscripts must be submitted by 31 June 2013 and must follow JIC guidelines (http// All manuscripts must undergo peer review prior to being published in the thematic issue.