New digitized collection at the AAMC

New Digitized Collection of Governance Documents Now Available from AAMC Archives The AAMC has released a new collection of historical documents featuring meeting materials, publications, and other resources from the association’s five governing bodies. These serve as important primary source materials for AAMC members and researchers interested in the history of medical education in the U.S. and Canada. Making these materials more easily accessible to the public will help shed light on the AAMC’s long and intense involvement with the development of modern-day medical education.

Posting archives online is increasingly considered a best practice, as it provides easy public access to these important records, and increases the transparency of the AAMC’s history while also preserving the actual archival documents. The digitized documents represent a curated collection selected from the voluminous archives on AAMC history, and more than triples the online collection of digitized AAMC documents available to the public. This expansion includes AAMC governance business records as well as its annual reports from 1962-2000, which highlight the association’s annual activities.

This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00004-C with the University of Maryland Baltimore and supplements an earlier grant funded by the same organization under Contract No. N01-LM-6-3502.

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