Registration open - 'The "Artificial" and the "Natural" in the Life Sciences, c. 1850-1950', Exeter 26-27 June

As co-organisers of a planned workshop entitled 'The "Artificial" and the "Natural" in the Life Sciences, c. 1850-1950', to be held at Byrne House at the University of Exeter, we are pleased to announce that registration for this event is open. The event will take place from Thursday 26th to Friday 27th June 2014. The event is generously supported by Egenis, the University's Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, the British Society for the History of Science and the British Society for the Philosophy of Science.

Details of this are on the workshop website located at:

The conference programme (also available on the website) includes three plenary talks by the following invited speakers: Helen Curry (University of Cambridge), Jon Hodge (University of Leeds), and Joeri Witteveen (Universiteit Utrecht). There are multiple contributed papers including:

‘Cellular Utopias: Protoplasm and Early Twentieth-Century Synthetic Biology’ (Robert Brain)
‘Thomas Hunt Morgan and the invisible genes: using the artificial to discover the natural’ (Guilia Frezza and Mauro Capocci)
‘Why ‘Wild Type’? Historical Understandings of Nature, Species and Variation and the Field-Lab Threshold' (Tarquin Holmes)
‘Women, science and technical subjectivity in Britain c.1860-1900′ (Tom Quick)
‘Drawings, poetry, videos and embryology: from Haeckel to Garstang and beyond’ (Simon Rundle, John Spicer, and Oliver Tills)

Additionally, there will be two forums, on the themes of ‘Can experimental intervention be natural?’ and ‘Towards a philosophy of variation’.

Places at the event are limited, so if you wish to attend please register soon. The registration fee is £30 for the whole workshop, and the website to register at is here:

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this workshop, please forward this message.

Thank you,

Tarquin Holmes and James Lowe