Call for Applications: 2014 envirotech travel award for SHOT


The Envirotech Special Interest Group is pleased to announce a $400 travel grant for the upcoming 2014 SHOT conference. Eligibility for the award is limited to those presenting a paper addressing the interrelated histories of environment and technology at the SHOT meeting in Dearborn, MI November 6-9, 2014. The grant is available to current graduate students, recent Ph.Ds. (earned within three years) and independent scholars. The application is due by Friday, September 19, 2014. The winner will receive a check for $400 at the Envirotech breakfast meeting during the conference.

Applicants should complete the form below and email it along with a one or two page C.V. to Any questions should be addressed to Chair at the same email.

1. General Information





Highest degree you have received:

(Include the institution at which it was earned and the date it was granted)

Present Occupation:

Name of institution or company where you currently work/study:

If you are currently a graduate student, please list the degree you are pursuing and the date you began the program:

2, Conference participation

Have you presented at ASEH previously? Yes:         No:

If so, when was your most recent presentation?

3. Sources of Travel Funding

Do you expect to receive other funds to help you attend this year’s conference? If so, please indicate from what sources, and how much.

4. Title & Abstract of Accepted Paper

Title of accepted paper:

Abstract of accepted paper (please use version submitted to conference committee):

5. Envirotech Contribution of Paper

Please indicate briefly how your paper addresses the interrelationships between the history of technology and the environment (max 200 words):