THATCampHSS Chicago, Illinois, November 6

I would like to invite historians of science who are coming to the History of Science Society meeting this fall in Chicago to consider attending THATCamp HSS 2014, a day-long open space meeting revolving around digital projects in the humanities, especially history of science. People of all skill levels are encouraged to attend. (Please register early to hold your place.)
The Humanities and Technology Camp, is an open, welcoming meeting where participants learn and build together in sessions proposed on the spot. Anyone who is working on a digital humanities project, or who wants to learn about starting one, is welcome. You can learn more about how they work at the About THATCamp page.
Several people with significant experience in digital history of science will be in attendance. Alex Wellerstein whose Nuclear Secrecy Blog has made national news will bring insights on visualization projects as well as new things you can do with Google Maps. Manfred Laubichler of ASU will be at the meeting with expertise on informatics and historical computational methods. I intend to share practical advice on building robust and sustainable digital projects.
The camp meets on Thursday, November 6th, 2014 at the Gleacher Center in downtown Chicago (only about a fifteen-minute walk from the Westin Hotel, the HSS conference site). It will last from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The cost is $20 (collected at the door), which helps cover some of the costs of holding the event. All are invited, but we cap attendance at 50 people, so please sign up early.
Sponsors include the IsisCB and the University of Chicago Press – Journals Division.
Follow us on Twitter @THATCampHSS. Please use the hashtag #thatcampHSS. Feel free to contact me ( if you have questions.
Stephen P. Weldon
Assistant Professor of History of Science
Editor, Isis Bibliography of the History of Science
Department of History of Science
University of Oklahoma
601 Elm, Room 618
Norman, OK 73019-3106