St Andrews Visiting Research Fellowship 2015-16

Call for Applications: ISHR Visiting Research Fellowship 2015-16
The Institute of Scottish Historical Research at the University of St Andrews invites applications for the ISHR Visiting Research Fellowship in Scottish Historical Studies, to be taken up during either semester of the academic year 2015-16. The fellowship may last between one and five months, with preference given to applicants requesting a longer residency.
The Institute of Scottish Historical Research was founded in 2007 and draws together the excellence and expertise of nearly thirty historians of Scotland, including Prof. T. C. Smout, the Historiographer Royal in Scotland.
The ISHR provides an intellectual and social focus for staff and a thriving community of postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers working on all periods of Scottish history from the early Middle Ages to the present. The Institute hosts a number of events throughout the year attracting delegates and speakers from all over the world, including a fortnightly research seminar series, workshops and conferences with an emphasis on new discoveries and directions in historical enquiry.
The Institute has several major collaborative research initiatives under its auspices. On-going and current projects include the Scotland and the Flemish People project, the new Mediaeval St Andrews project, the Scotland and the Wider World Project, and the Scotland, Scandinavia and Northern Europe Database. Past projects have included the Scottish Parliament Project and the History of the Universities Project. The Fellowship is open to any academic in a permanent university post with research interests in any aspect of Scottish history in any period. It covers the cost of return travel to St Andrews from the holder’s normal place of work, together with a substantial subsidy towards accommodation while the holder is resident in St Andrews.
The Fellowship carries with it no teaching duties, though the Fellow will be expected to take part in the normal activities of the ISHR during their stay in St Andrews. For more information on the Institute please visit the ISHR website at You will also be invited to lead a workshop, give a research seminar paper or other suitable activities depending on the length of your stay. Fellows are provided with computing facilities and an office, normally in one of the School of History buildings. The university library has an exceptional collection for Scottish historians, including vast electronic resources and excellent holdings in the Special Collections department. Major national libraries and archives are within easy travelling distance, as are the university libraries in Dundee, Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow and Aberdeen.
You should send a letter of application by 20 December 2014, together with an outline of the research and/or writing in which you will be engaged during your time in St Andrews.  You should also enclose a CV, together with the names of two academic referees, who should submit their references by the closing date. All correspondence should be addressed to the Director of the ISHR, Dr Katie Stevenson, by email to
The closing date for applications is 20 December 2014.
Further enquiries may be addressed to the ISHR Director Dr Katie Stevenson ( or to other staff in the ISHR.