Videos of the Toxic Atmospheres II seminar series

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the posting of the two lectures presented in the Toxic Atmospheres II seminar series held at the Institut d'Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero (CSIC-UVEG)

The series included:

1) Stephen Mosley (Leeds Beckett University):
‘The Dark Age’: Smoke Pollution in Urban-industrial Britain

2) Paul-André Rosental, Catherine Cavalin and Michel Vincent (ERC Silicosis Project, Sciences Po - Centre d'Études Européennes):
Dust, environment and pulmonary diseases: historical and sociological roots of medical uncertainty / Polvo, medio ambiente y enfermedades pulmonares : raíces históricas y sociológicas de las incertidumbres médicas.

The seminar series was coordinated by Ximo Guillem-Llobat and José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez, funded by the IHMC-López Piñero and the Catalan Society for the History of Science and the lectures were registered by the Educational Innovation Service of the Universitat de València.

The videos of the seminars have been included in the Video library of the Institute, which includes the two series on Toxic Atmospheres held in 2013 and 2014, as well as additional seminars:


As previously announced, we are also organizing the 8th European Spring School on the History of Science and Popularization, dealing with this same topic. More information at:


Best wishes,

Ximo Guillem and José Ramón Bertomeu