Programme and Abstracts Conference on Science, Research and Popular Culture

Dear colleagues,
we are very happy to announce that we now have a final conference programme to present for our event on science, research and popular culture in September in Klagenfurt, Austria.
You find the programme and the abstracts on this (very basic) homepage (PDF versions at the bottom of the page):
The good news: The attendance of the conference is free of charge, but we would appreciate a short note as registration (send to:
Please disseminate the invitation to the event through your networks.
Everybody is very warmly invited to attend.
Thanks and best wishes
Joachim  and  Hauke
Joachim Allgaier, Dipl.Soz., PhD
Senior Scientist
Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies

Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt

Sterneckstraße 15

9010 Klagenfurt, Austria
Phone: +43/463/2700-6157