WHO Global Health Histories Webinar 98 – ‘You are how you eat’: Food and Nutrition

You are warmly invited to the next World Health Organization Global Health Histories online webinar “You are how you eat” about the subject of ‘Food and Nutrition’ on Thursday 25 August 2016 (12:30pm – 14:00pm CEST or 11:30am - 13:00pm BST). Speaking at this seminar are Prof. Claude Fischler (French National Centre for Scientific Research), Dr. João Breda (WHO Regional Office for Europe), and Ms. Mette Strandlod (United Nations Population Fund Nordic Office).

This seminar will be broadcast live over the internet, through the following link: http://streaming.uncity.dk/who. This link allows viewers to listen to the talks, view the speakers’ PowerPoint presentations and, if they wish, pose questions to the presenters and other discussants. The event website is available at: https://www.york.ac.uk/history/global-health-histories/events/ghh-seminar-98

Please do share this invitation with colleagues, students and friends who may be interested in the seminar. If you have any questions about this seminar, please feel free to email either CGHH@york.ac.uk or euGHH@who.int

More detailed information about recent Global Health Histories activities is available at www.york.ac.uk/history/global-health-histories/ where you can also find future seminar listings. For recordings of previous seminars, please visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/CGHHYork 

Best wishes,

Centre for Global Health Histories