CfP: Barcelona Workshop 11 @ LOGOS (Barcelona, 30-31 May 2019)

@ LOGOS Barcelona (30-31 May 2019) — 20th anniversary edition

The *Barcelona Workshop: Issues in Conceptual Ethics and Conceptual Engineering* is a small format conference that attempts to provide ample space for discussion and informal interaction among participants. The Workshop will have no parallel sessions.

The first BW took place in 1999, which means that BW11 is the 20th anniversary edition. 


We invite submissions for 35-40 minute presentations (with 25-20 additional minutes for discussion). Submissions should take the form of a 1200-1500 words abstract. Submissions are made through easychair:

Authors' names, postal address, affiliation, phone number and e-mail address should be given separately. Submissions will be anonymously refereed by an international committee, and selected on the basis of general quality and relevance to the special topic of the workshop. 

Communication of acceptance: End of February 2019

We regret that we cannot cover travel and other expenses. We will try to help to cover accommodation expenses for speakers who are graduate students and don’t have travel funding from their home institutions. 

For further information, please write to any member of the Organizing Committee.