CfP: The Aesthetics of Pandemics
Deadline: 30 November 2020
Evental Aesthetics is an independent, double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to philosophical and aesthetic intersections. The journal is open-access, and there are no publication fees. The editors seek submissions for a special issue in early 2021. The issue will be devoted to philosophical challenges and aesthetic responses to the global Covid-19 pandemic.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):
● Community responses to the exacerbation of inequalities (such as of race and gender) in the aftermath of the pandemic.
● The role of graphs and visual representations in fake science and conspiracy tales.
● Graphifications and voyeurisms of mortality.
● The visual appeal of empty cities under lockdown.
● The role of social media and the aesthetics of video conferencing.
● Substantive questions about possible future aesthetics—aesthetics of cities, etiquette norms, traditional art, art spaces, etc.
● Implications of seeing the human body in a public health emergency primarily as a vector of disease, and thereby aesthetically bad—e.g., disgusting.
● The aesthetics of public health messaging: the use (and abuse) of bold colours and suchlike in governmental health information, daily press briefings and text message updates.
● Virtue signalling of wearing, or not wearing, PPE.
● The everyday aesthetics of the home-as-workplace.
We welcome articles (4,000–8,000 words) and Collisions (1,000–2,500 words). Collisions are brief reflections on aesthetic experiences, academic texts, etc., that raise philosophical questions, pointing the way towards suggestive discussions. Submission and formatting requirements, along with further information on Collisions, are available on the EA website. Submissions that do not meet our requirements will not be considered. Any questions not addressed by the EA website should be directed towards the editors at editors [at] eventalaesthetics [dot] net .
Evental Aesthetics is committed to equality along all axes, and submissions from under-represented groups are especially welcome. Visit , join our email list, or follow @EVAesthetics for updates.
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