CfP: Colonial Histories of Plant-Based Pharmaceuticals

 What are the cultural and epistemological tensions between plant-based pharmaceuticals and synthetic biomedicines? How have medicinal plants figured in colonial relationships? This special issue of History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals (Univ. of Wisconsin Press) aims to reframe histories of phytomedicines through intersecting approaches from the history of medicine, pharmacy, and pharmacology with postcolonial, Indigenous, and gender studies, histories of science and empire, labor history, environmental history, and related fields. 

We seek papers on themes including, but not limited to, the following: 

• Colonial histories of medicinal plants as examined through Indigenous and local histories 
• “Medical quackery” reframed through new histories of plant-based pharmaceuticals 
• Workers and labor histories, including intersections with disability and industry
• Gender, sexuality, and medicinal plant knowledges
• Global and/or imperial consumption and distribution patterns
• Phytomedicines and colonial encounters in the Global South
• Plant-based approaches for chronic diseases, disability, and health maintenance
• Effects of climate change and ecological factors on medicinal plant resources
• Bioprospecting, patenting, and anti-colonial resistance
• Medicinal plants in translation 

Please send a 200-word abstract and 1-page CV to guest editors Geoff Bil and Jaipreet Virdi by January 31, 2021. Invitations for manuscript submission of 8,000 words will be sent by February 6, 2021, with first drafts due April 15, 2021, for peer review. Please consult the full author guidelines available at: The final volume will be published in the Winter 2021 issue of History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals.